Cupboard Drawer Handle Size Guide
Drawer Units
UPTO 400mm
For drawer units up to 400mm in width, you can use the common sizes of
- 64mm Handle or Pull
- 76mm Handle or Pull
- 96mm Handle or Pull, this is the most common size for these smaller drawer units.
- 128mm Handle or Pull
UPTO 600mm
For drawer units up to 600mm in width, you can use the common sizes of
- 96mm Handle or Pull
- 128mm Handle or Pull, this is the most common size for these midsize drawer units.
- 160mm Handle or Pull
- 192mm Handle or Pull
- 228mm Handle or Pull

600mm and Larger
For drawer units 600mm and larger in width, you can use the common sizes of
- 160mm Handle or Pull
- 192mm Handle or Pull, this is the most common size for these midsize drawer units.
- 228mm Handle or Pull
- 256mm Handle or Pull
- 288mm Handle or Pull
- 320mm Handle or Pull